Karl-Marx-Straße 39
D-04509 Delitzsch
Approach data
Railway station no.: 231 720
Reference figure: 820-46
Station: Delitzsch Unterer Bahnhof
AGL: Delitzsch plant
Maintenance specialist for multi-unit rail cars and passenger carriages
Located right on the Leipzig – Berlin rail route, the Delitzsch plant with its more than 100-year history has flourished into a maintenance centre for the revision, modernisation and new construction of rail-bound passenger vehicles. A workshop area of 46,000 m² with two production halls ensures the on-site processing of individual service requests. In order to sustainably support the business success of the commissioning vehicle owner, our staff with high technical expertise always find the best solutions for a safe, punctual and comfortable passenger rail transport – under observation of policy and country-specific norms/standards.
• Railway track: 16.5 km
• Total surface area: 270,000 m2
• Two production halls with three continuous working tracks
• Lifting jacks for double-decker cars, block trains, coupled cars as well as movable sides and roof platforms
• Separate workshops for wheelset and bogie work; Wheelset pressing machine and wave grinding machine
• Blast machine and painting complex for vehicles up to 30 m as well as for panting multi-unit rail cars, without having to separate them
• Separate workshops for upholstery, carpentry and flooring work as well as sheet metal forming
• Ultrasound, high voltage, electronic and climate test benches
Range of services includes:
• Revision of railway vehicles, both of digital train radio equipment (GSM-R) and inductive train protection systems, brake and running gear equipment, electrical and electronic equipment
• Modernisation and modifications
• Damage analysis, maintenance and accident repair, documentation
• Wheelset and bogie reconditioning for all maintenance stages
• Partial and full colour scheme through paintwork or film adhesion
• Maintenance of passenger information systems, door and transitional facilities
• Upholstery, carpentry and flooring work
• Cleaning, decalcification and reconditioning of toilet systems
• Preventative graffiti protection
• Mobile pipe cleaning
• Mobile service